- So many hijab styles nowadays. Good thing though I have never had any nafsu to try the new styles. and hubby loves to see me in Bawal. There's this situation with my bro.We were watching TV when this ads about over-the-top hijab brand appeared. Suddenly he told me 'jangan pakai tudung macam tu.bertingkat2 kaler2 macam badut dah'. hahaha Gituuula hidup surrounded with all boys.No offense ok.
- Not sure why but I just bought a manual breastpump. Unimom Mezzo. Will do a review about it once I've used it ok. Bought from PumpOntheGo for RM79 ONLY!
- My phone's condition is getting critical. Have been postponing to get a new one because budget is tight now. I dont think it can wait. Which phone should I buy?? Hmmm I'm not a gadget freak. I'll be happy as long as the camera is good, can surf the internet, call (no need video call oso can), msg you know the basic apps.hehe
- Looking around, god this house is so messy.I need extra time in a day to be able to do everything. But I think with extra time I would choose to sleep.hahaah
- I need my own house. The stuffs are mountaining till my room becomes so suffocating. Aslam you better keep your promise!
- My heart cringes everytime I see couples together. Be it on Facebook or in reality. When can I have that? =(
Random Thoughts at 3am

Abdul Muhaimin is 4 month-old now
- recognises me as his mommy - jyeahh!
- grasp on things and pull them back. Even your face.Love his curious look.hehe
- sing - no kidding.Everytime I sang Twinkle2 Little Star, he would go 'maa,,,maa..'.First language imitation
- Can turn to the side but not flip over. wah ganas gitu bunyi flip over.macam pancake.haha
- hates lying on his back. He would cry non stop till someone picks him up.
- coo, laugh, babble to himself
- put everything he picks up into his mouth.


A pang of sadness
Sleep?? Oh yeah, I have a baby now. It's impossible.
Exclusive Pumping is a booby trap
Received one email from a reader asking about exclusive pumping (waves excitedly :p ). I'm not an expert and is still very new in this but I love sharing. Hope this can help as many as possible.

Cooler bag, and beloved warmer. Ran out of hot water while in Brunei. Gigih tak mak? At Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque. Orang pandang pon mak dah tak peduli.hohoho
Since the twin girls dont receive natural stimulation from the baby, you have to be extremely careful about your emotion, your food, your health because all these affect the production. I've had few periods of being so stressed that my production plummeted drastically. I took the wrong food, boom! down to 3oz from 5oz. I got sick twice and the result, Min had to be fed formula coz at that time I was down to 1-2oz per pumping session.
And this is something new that I just learned 3 weeks ago when Min was down with fever, cough and flu.

MasyaAllah, the power of mommy's milk =)
Again, I need to stress how hard it is to be an EP mom but IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE.It takes a lot of commitment and support be it internal and external. Talk to your husband and make sure you receive an endless support from him. Because you will be surprised with the many people who will kill your spirit and will tell you that you will FAIL. I get this even from doctors. Be strong and know you are fighting to give the best for your baby. God will reward you plenty =)
It's rewarding, both seen and unseen. Good luck Mommies!
p/s I still hope Min will latch properly one day. Pray for me ya!


Soft Structured Baby Carrier - Boba Carrier
- Ergonomic. Carried Min around for 2 hours but no back pain. Min even slept the whole time.
- Easy to assemble. I can do it alone without help.
- Love the design. B loves it too
- Comfortable
- Easy to wash
- Quality fabric
- Has small pockets to keep mobile phone or car keys. How convenient!
- There's a strap at the shoulder to keep my handbag from falling down. Extra point here!
- When it is not in use, the carrier can be folded into a small pouch. So we dont have to take it off and put it on again. Very super convenient. No picture la pulak...
As comparison, this is the first carrier that we bought. We bought if for wayyyy cheaper because at that time, we thought all baby carriers are the same =__=' Membaca jambatan ilmu ye kawan-kawan.

Home Sweet Home

First Passport Photo
Min is still having the flu and still coughing but getting better.his immune system is working hard to fight the virus. A fighter this baby because he is still active and cheerful like usual.hehw
Anyway yesterday B and I went to take his passport photo at a studio. Next week my parents will fly over to fetch us to take us back to Melaka. But before that, we plan to go to Brunei as Abah wants to have his KLMJ moment there.yeay another road trip!
At the studio,the uncle there helped to.hold Min. The photographer had trouble taking a good photo because Min wiggled all the time. And he was super interested to suck his fists and when we stopped him he drooled pulakkk =____='
Many snapshots were taken but this might be the best one: with drool attached from his mouth down to his shirt. =____='
We had apologize to the uncle because the kid blazer that Min was wearing were covered with drool.hahahah

Sick Day 2
It's the second day now. Min is not feverish but he still coughs and having flu. I really really want to have all those coz it pains to see him so gloomy today.
This morning we brought him to a government clinic.despite the massive crowd, i was very happy that we made the visit. The doctor was kind enough to answer all the questions fromo this worried new mommy.hehe there's nothing to be worried about. Just keep monitoring Min.
I couldnt sleep well last night though Min was sleeping soundly. I kept getting awake just to check on him, to check whether he's still breathing (Y.Y). Alhamdulillah he's fine.
He's a bit cranky today. Be strong little hero. Mommy and Ayah will always be with you.
Mommy loves you very much!

3rd jab
Got his 3rd jab today. Slight fever and flu. Be strong my hero!
Alhamdulillah, Min is 3 month-old now. Time definitely wasnt flying for me.haha It's more fun to play with him now as he responds well. He chuckles,giggles and wiggles during play time.
Highlight of being a mother at this stage? Whenever he sees me or heard my voice,he smiles instantly!!Definitely worth every sleepless nights since he was born.haha
Apart from that, Min loves Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Baa Baaa Black Sheep.ehe very handy when he was cranky or needs to be entertained.
The only not so fun thing is that i'm starting to lose hair. I first noticed this about a few days ago where i could spot my hair on Min. His head, body, blanket, swaddle. Dont wanna check the floor.too scared to face reality.haha
I love being a mom!
Hola peeps. How are you people? Aaaaa i miss blogging. Currently still in Bintulu. Will fly home again in 2 weeks.hehe
What else eh? Oh been putting on housewife cap since few days ago. I cooked,cleaned the house,did the laundry, baby sit Minmin...aaa pretty much the housechores la...boy was I tired. Phewww.
Some of you might not know but after being married for 1 1/2 year,it's my first time doing everything on my own.haha very tiring but totally worth it. Cant wait for 3 of us to live together like a normal family.
mini me

Shop at Namdaemun Market and our first Korean Meal
We joined another Malaysian family to the market as a big group. The feeling of meeting another malaysians fella in a stranger land was indescribable.hehe
Namdaemun Market as stated in our itinerary:
"No introduction is needed,this is the place where you can find almost everything that you need especially clothes,key chain,kimchi and brooch.Tourist come here everyday to spend their money as the price here is very reasonable and the choices are variety"
Now, after spending some moneyhhh, it's time to eat.
At the subway station. I was really exhausted and was very moody. Didnt sleep and had to walk miles to the destination. I was pregnant remember? and oh not to forget, hadnt eaten since we arrived in Seoul...
Yeayy finally, fooooddddddddddddddddd!
Green tea. kat sini toksahla carik teh tarik ka, juice ka. Semua tu carik kat coffee shop. Kedai makan dia hidang green tea/ air kosong.
Simple but extremely sedappp! That kimchi, nothing like what i've tasted in Malaysia. Sedap gilerrr!
Ala-ala sambal sotong kitewww
This post got super long. Pardon all the grammar and tunggang-langgangness. I dont have the time to edit. hoho

Min Diesel
Few hours before.....