Friday, September 9, 2011

I is sad

In two weeks time, I'll be attending my convocation day. Marks the end of the new beginning. But the beginning is nowhere to be seen... yet.

B kenot make it for the day. Reason being: expensive air ticket. Though Air Asia has got the 20% off for ticket price, the amount is still not acceptable for me. B insisted to come. He does not mind the price. But I dont have the heart to let him pay all the expenses.  I wish I'm working right now.

It has always been the plan for him to come to celebrate the day cum our 7th anniversary. However, endless problems keep coming our way since last semester where we should have bought the ticket earlier. But his workplace might be undergoing TA therefore cuti is uncertain. Now that the decision has been made by the boss, the ticket price is not on our side. Maybe it's not our rezki to meet.

Takpela. takpe la takpela takpela takpela takpela takpela.

I'll be flying to Bintulu in December for Edmond and Crystal's wedding. So can meet him then. Plus Crystal's father is his boss so he knows him and knows me too as Crystal's friend .haha mebi we can attend the wedding. I can bring my +1


Ok bye.
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