Rindu Part 2
Or when I told mom about B's application to transfer got denied, I told her 'Mak sepul tak dapat pindah' then I cried. Mom just said 'takpela takde rezeki'. No hugs no kisses. I'm not complaining tho. Mom was raised like that and that's how she raised me. We are that simple. But i know she loves me.hehehe
Penny crazy

Murtabak Maggi senang and sedap
A heads up for you: this is not a nutritious meal. Try at own risk.hehehe

Internet problem
I want to blog but the internet connection at home has turned into a snail since 2days ago. Whyyyyy.... I can still blog using my phone but cannot attach many pictures. Uuuui
Ayfa is 1 1/2 month.super chubby. And she's a good girl.too. Very easy to soothe her.haha
MANGO Quilted Handbag
- Brand: MANGO
- Dimension: 30cm (L) x 22cm (H) x 15cm (W)
- Material:
- Composition: 100% polyurethane
- Lining: 100% polyester - Weight: 571g
- Design: quilted bowling bag
- Colour: black
- Zip fastening top
- Short handle, and adjustable and detachable strap
- Includes inner zipped compartment
- MANGO logo plate on the front

Selipar Jamban
My First Time
In Your Hands
I miss him
It's been almost 2 weeks since I last see B. We bought the ticket for our next meeting already which is a month and a week from now. I know i know with the school is starting, time will fly and i will not even notice it.
There were times when i was totally ok. But when the loneliness crept in, I could almost kill B's bosses in my head. For denying the fact that with a single signature, B could be next to me. But life isnt as always what we wanted right?
Best of Both Worlds
Faces of Ayfa Nazneen
4 hours after that
This could be another blessing in disguise. I have slowly healed, though it's too fast. I need to heal fast. I need to accept this plan made by Allah and act maturely. B needs me. He doesnt need my whining, crying, throwing tantrum like a small girl. We are both in this together. We will work it out.
I think the next step is me applying for transfer. The chances are small but still it counts. It's hard to ask for transfer when the school lacks of subject teacher. What ever it is, I'll leave it to Allah as He is the best planner of all.
So Bintulu, are you ready to have me join the community? hee
B called. He didnt sound happy. Our nightmare has come true. B's proposal has been denied. The bossess said it is not the right time. They dont have enough man power.
I broke down and cried. In fact i'm still crying. All the tough faces i've put up since the struggle began now have melted and wash away by the tears. My whole body is shaking, trembling. Why is it so hard for us to live together?
Right now shut the world around me. I'm battling the defeat without B around. I know he's hurt too. And we cant be on each other's side to talk the pain away.
I dont know how to tell Mak and Abah this news coz they fought with us along the way.... i'm sorry...
1. The other day I went out with m cousin wearing my poplook blouse and a shawl. Before we went back, we entered Carlo Rino boutique at Mahkota Parade. The SA there suddenly asked where I came from. I told her I'm from Melaka. Then she said: Oh I tot you are from KL coz you dress like KL girl.hahahahahah then my cousin rolled on the floor laughing (ok tipu) and said 'KL ke? Dio orang Londu der!!" hahahahahahahahhaahhaha
2.Two days ago I changed my FB profile picture. It's an old picture, taken about a month after we got married. our jalan2 at Melaka City.hehe The picture received 19 likes. haha Leen said it's kinda exclusive coz I seldom upload any picture of us together. Dunno why. I seldom did that when we were dating, and even after we got married, I find it cheesy. Boleh gitu??
3. Since school holiday started, I've been crazy about Penny dresses from Poplook. Matilaaaa.... It all started when I bought a Penny-look-alike and wore it to Kuching reception. B loved to see me in that so I think I went overboard and bought another 4. I insisted buying every design - plain, polkadot and patterned that made B scratched his head. Even my mom is at lost seeing the constant visit of a mail man delivering my parcels. muahaha so far I've only worn 3 of the dresses. But no picture to share. blerghhh
4.I dont know why but I feel my posts about me pouring my thoughts might have hurt somebody. I'm truly sorry for that. I was a mess, with the hormones raging for Miss Red's visit, with the uncertainties of our future are sometimes too much for me. I wont ask you to be in my shoes but a little understanding will do. I would suggest you to be in the shoes of people in Gaza, in Syria or the parents of shooting incident in the US. They could be facing bigger obstacle than me.
I dont go to people crying, telling my problem. I just need a little space to pour my thoughts and I will be fine sooner than you think. My problem isnt that big tho. Just a tiny speck on the face of the earth.
I have a husband. We cant live together. Well that's my problem.hahaha seee, very simple. Nothing much.
Ok la. I miss him. But not sure when we'll see each other. might be next month. Might be in February. But for sure I'll see him in March. We'll go jalan2 weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Melt away
Dose of the month
Tune Hotel Bintulu
Alright, that's all for now. Interested? Book your stay here =)
p/s I sounded like Tune Hotel ambassador.hahaha

8 years down the road
This song became so famous 8 years ago. B and I had just started dating and were waiting for SPM result. I would stay at home, turned on MTV and finished house chore. This song was always on play at the time.
I told B about this song, he loved it as much as I did and this song became one of our love anthems. amik kau anthem tuuuuuuuu
I've waited all my life
To cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try
Anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true
8 years down the road, our path still crossed and we are married. I love B!
P/S a friend tweeted about this song and I found myself youtubing for this.haha memoriess....
Kad Perakuan Nikah

Asamboi Buah Pear
When I was in Sibu, B and I together with parents in law went to attend a wedding in Lanang. A usual wedding where I found something unusual. Once we arrived, I noticed that most guests' fingers were reddish at the tip. I tot to myself they must have had malam berinai or something with the inai stain left on their finger tips.
So after greeting few relatives around, we moved towards the buffet area. Usual dishes till I saw something so brightly red in one of the containers. They looked like potato wedges, dipped in bright red color. I had never seen it before the day. I skipped it and went to find a spot to eat. After I finished with my plate, Mom in law came and showed me her plate, with the red food on it. It's MIL so couldnt refuse..hahahah so I took one wedge and bit the tip. Emmm...nyemmm....another big bite, munch munch and before I knew it, I almost finished all the red stuff.hahahahahaha
I asked B what was it. He said, it's pear, the fruit, mixed with asamboi. Donno the real name tho. But they call it Asamboi Buah Pear. A perfect dessert. I was told it would taste better when it's served cold.huhu.
So I googled about it but couldnt find many info. Here's the recipe. It's super duper easy to prepare. Follow the formula and you are done!
Haishhh terliur pulak tengok gambar..Must prepare this one of these days....
Anyhoo, happy trying! =)))

Depressing week
It sucks also to see everyone is happy but it's their part of rezeki. They might have fought their own battles before and found their happy ending. I am happy. Happily married with the man of my life. Our biggest obstacle comes after we got married. And all the fights we had when were dating were super stupid. Real challenge starts when you fight to keep things where they belong, not to go overboard, and to remember the heaven is not in the parents' hands anymore.
It is also painful because I dont share things with people. All I got is Allah and B. People did ask and it stopped there because I dont think people understand. I have never offered other than casual things. I have never shared how I felt. Oh right, I have my blog too. But even so I dont feel pouring everything because I know there are more individuals with bigger obstacles than me. Mine could be as big as an ant and others could be as big as a galaxy. Shit, Typing this while Adam and Hawa is playing makes me super emo. haha cun2 ada part Azie said 'Mungkin ada tersimpan hikmah yang kita belum tau lagi'...
Garfield in real!