Morning of the ceremony. My right eye was a bit small due to Ketumbit =__='. Was wearing Penny. But no whole body pic.
The reason we went to Terengganu.hehe Take good care in Australia sis-to-be. =))
Anyhoo, lemme brag for a while k. When we were at the ceremony, the other side thought I was my bro's younger sister. muahahahahahahahahahahahaha they said I look younger than Pidoh. muahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Thank you. just that morning I complained to B that I look 'matured' due to chubbiness. ok dah.
We continued our jalan-jalan around Kuala Terengganu later that afternoon.
Mak Buyong in the making. I got tired super fast now.
The noisiest kids at Masjid Kristal. They sang, danced, screamed like nobody's business. Haish Maklang dah rindu....
Cik Nin si Debab.hehe she's a cool baby. She enjoyed our evening walk. Didnt cry. She's the easiest baby to take care of. Nak jaga la!
I love family trip. Though later I suffered from back pain.hehe I love my family =)