Another weekly update yalls!!!
The emergence of baby bump. The real bump not fat.haha
How far along? 14 weeks! Alhamdulillah! As usualy, B reminded me yesterday when I was listening to MUET candidates =)
Size of the baby? My baby is the size of a lemon. It weighs around 100gm only but Mommy has gained 5 kilos to date Y__Y
Weight gain? It has been static since last week. hehe
Stretch marks? Nope. Applying Bio Oil like my life depends on it.hahaha
Energy level? 50-50. There were days I felt really tired but also days I felt like I could do bungee jumping.
Sleep? Still having fortress around me. But constant urination at night has returned. woooo
Maternity clothes? Cant fit in any of my old pants. Bought one maternity dress yesterday God it's wayyyy to big for me. As a petite pregger, I feel left out.hahaha
Comfort level? Ever since I found Yu Yee oil, life is a bliss.
Cravings? Pasta, Pasta, Pasta
What I look forward to? Next check-up a day before our big trip which B will be around at that time. InsyaAllah =)
Weekly Wisdom? All is well (sambil tepuk dada)