Alhamdulillah, we are halfway there =))
Daddy decides to join the picture today. Woot!
How far along? 20 weeks! yeay!
Size of the baby? My baby is the size of a banana!!
Weight gain? My belly showed sudden development in a week but I havent weighed myself or rather too scared to do so. Maybe I gained another 1 or 2 kg....
Stretch marks? Alhamdulillah no but it's very itchy.
Energy level? Medium. I cant walk that much...huhu
Sleep? Troubled. Woke up few times either for bathroom visits or cramps.
Maternity clothes? I try not to buy maternity clothes but bought larger shirts.haha
Comfort level? Average.
Cravings? Anything cheeeeesyyyy...yummssss!
What I look forward to? A healthy pregnancy experience
Weekly Wisdom? Treasure everything around you especially B and family. *hugs*