Wee Huuuuuu getting closer to hit the big 30!
A maternity blouse I wore last week. It was the last time I'll wear. Dah terjongkit bhagian depan. If the wind blows, all hell break loose. Nampak perut.haha Maternity la sangat khennnnn
How far along? 29 weeks and 5 days!! Alhamdulillah =)
Size of the baby? My baby is the size of a butternut squash. Actually cant really trust BabyCenter's size coz my baby grows much bigger.haha
Weight gain? 62.8kg last thursday. Portion control works!
Belly condition? Evil lines everywhere. When the weather was humid, skin became painful. Pedih sangat sangat sangat. =(
Energy level? I walk snail-slow these days. And always tired.
Sleep? So - so
Comfort level? Hmm....
Cravings? I vant tortilla wrap!
Best moment of the week? Ermm....ermm....
What I miss the most? Rolling on the bed.haha
What I look forward to? B will come home end of this month. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Weekly Wisdom? Every kick means the baby is healthy =)