One good thing about going to boarding school is you get to know every students from every form. It's weird to me when my students do not know other students from the next class because I could remember all my friends from the same batch although we were in different classes.huhu That's when strangers become your friends and a few will stick and be your family.
I'm glad to follow the decision to go to Bintulu because I got to meet the bestest friends from high school. Mommy was in love for a day =)))
Started on Friday night when Sally and I went to fetch Shatiti from the terminal bus. and Sally bought us dinner at a fancy place too. hehe
Then continued the second day for Aya's solemnization.
Cgek jak la gambar ho sebab mak buyong sakit belakang.haha
Then the Reception day when many other schoolmates attended the wedding.
Ze gurlss
Ze boysss
My belly became a hit that day. Too many touches received.hahahaha
Some were not in the pics as they had to leave early =)
Since the reception was for 2hours only, we had time to kill for the rest of the day. All decided to go for karaoke. yeay!
B owed me one song as he didnt sing during our reception. He thought he could make it for karaoke session. No way B. I still want one song in large crowd. Muehehehe
Managed to balance the bottle on le belly.muehahahahah
Honestly, before this, I never knew they all have good voices. I jewww yg takde..hoh
For the closing, we all went to Tanjung Batu for a dose of ABC and Ais Kacang.
they surprised me with a birthday cake =')
Mommy kept her cool and didnt cry ok.
Thanks guys......I know I looked emotionless but my head was sweating from excitement.Mommy kan brutal =p