Week 32 Baby! Woohoooo~~
Swollen feet yo! Can you feel the suffering of my slipper?haha
Look like a makcik here. A very pregnant model for bro's new car.muahahaha Did I sell it?
How far along? 32 weeks and 5 days!! Alhamdulillah =) 51 days to go. fuh fuh fuh fuh
Size of the baby? My baby is the size of bok choy.
Weight gain? 66kg. Y__Y
Belly condition? Stripes everywhere. But Tanamera VOC really helps with the itch. Have been using it for 2 weeks now. Will blog about it later =)
Energy level? Low.
Sleep? Troubled.
Comfort level? Fit current trimester.
Cravings? None so far. I find that my appetite is getting less. Should I be worried?
Best moment of the week? B's expression when Baby kicked or moving actively till my perut senget2. Priceless
What I miss the most? My normal feet, unswollen feet.haha havent seen them about 2weeks already.
What I look forward to? Foood from bazaar ramadhan.haha
Weekly Wisdom? Go mommy go!