Week 33 yallsssssss~~~
Horror nya muka....sembap gilbab =____='
How far along? 33 weeks and 5 days!! Alhamdulillah =) 44 days to go. fuh fuh fuh fuh~~
Size of the baby? My baby is the size of a pineapple.
Weight gain? 68kg. Y__Y
Belly condition? Stripes everywhere. I feel very heyuuuuuugeeeee at this moment.
Energy level? Now that it's fasting month, I feel very tired most of the time.
Sleep? Troubled. Very
Comfort level? Nada~
Cravings? Erm....
Best moment of the week? Able to fast till today. Alhamdulillah. And Baby was super active since I started fasting. weird huh? =)
What I miss the most? Old body figure.miaahahahaha.
What I look forward to? A barakah Ramadhan
Weekly Wisdom? Hang in there. Few weeks more to go. Fuh!