Sunday, August 11, 2013

Pregnancy Update #Week37

Week 37. Super excited to see Baby A!!!

Colorful raya outfit =___=

How far along? 37 weeks and 6 days!! No sign of labor..yet....kamon baby kamonnnnnnn!!!
Size of the baby? My baby is the size of a errmm...dunno...bigger than a coconut maybe.haha
Weight gain? It's raya 2kgs now...67kg...hehe
Belly condition? Crazy itchy. I scratched now. Feel bad about it but if I didnt, I feel like rubbing the belly against the wall.
Energy level? ok la..
Sleep? Troubled. But at this stage, it's normal
Maternity clothes? Symptoms? I believe i'm having Braxton Hicks now. I think so la coz the pain matches the descriptions.hehe elephant swollen feet still around
Comfort level? none. I sweat most of the time and I hate it.
Cravings? No cravings but I have a list of food I want to eat before I pop and confinement starts.hehe
Best moment of the week? When my midwife told me Baby has drops a.k.a engaged a.k.a at the position of pushing himself out. Any moment now.

What I miss the most? My non-swollen feet.haha
What I look forward to? Baby A's arrival. Kamon baby!!! you can do it!!
Weekly Wisdom? Kamon baby kamon!! Pop now!!
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