Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Exclusive Pumping

In 10 days, Abdul Muhaimin, the person i fall in love every second of my life is turning 1. It also means I have been a pumper that long. To be honest, it was not a sweet memory for me. All the stress, the cries, the frustration, the loneliness and all negative feelings i have endured for almost a year now, I wud never suggest anyone to be a pumper. Though it sounds bad, all the negative feelings are drown by one and only positive one: Love.

Not a mushy type but i think the love i have for Minmin has kept me going till this second. My plan was to survive for after confinement only. Then i target to stop when Minmim reach 6 months old. Now i'm still pumping.hehe it's love to give the best to my baby though.

But Minmin is no longer 100% given breast milk. During fasting month, my production was bad enough that I had to give him formula. Then minmin started to have a mind on his own. For his night feeding, he would throw tantrum and sulked if the milk came late to him.

I'm already super exhausted during the day i cannot lose my night rest as well. So for night feeding, formula is the solution. He's happy and mommy's happy.

He feeds around 7 times in 24 hours. His night feeding is once or twice only. So he's still getting milk mostly from mommy.hahaha

A roller coaster ride it has been since I first heard his cry in the operation theatre but he's definitely worth it.

Actually i cant wait to have my second baby! Hahaha but not too soon. Next year InsyaAllah


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