Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jalan-jalan jumpa Pierre Andre and Khatijah Tan

Semalam, kelas pukul 12 tiba-tiba cancelled because the lecturer was not around. My friends and I wanted to have lunch. and suddenly, the plan to go to Midvalley just popped out. oh i love impromptu trip! So off we went. Bawa sekali junior, Greg sebab dia dan Steve nak cari hadiah Valentine's Day.

Sesampainya di Midvalley (bestnya traffic clear ) sakit kepala nak carik parking. Biasala lunch hour. Tak campur lagi driver2 yang kurang ajar. Banyak juga la terlepas parking. Tapi tuhan itu adil, kami dapat parking betul2 depan pintu masuk. Who's the boss now you driver in Avanza? ceh emos kejap.

it says: Hug Me =)

Dah sampai je Steve bought us lunch which is at Kenny Rogers. Thank you Steve. Then dah pusing-pusing almost 2 hours, only Steve got what he wanted.hehe I was looking for my hantaran shoes. Tak ada yang berkenan. So another plan popped. Let's go to IKEA!

sO Off we went. We toured The Curve, Ikano and lastly IKEA. Greg couldnt find any suitable gift. But we ended up shopping for ourselves including Greg. Haha I bought 2 pair of slippers sebab kaki dah sakit pakai Crocs T____T.

It was my turn to belanja dinner so all of us had meatballs, chicken wings and rice. Bak kata Ambun, kenyang sampai dada.haha. After meal, we toured IKEA. We met Pierre Andre and Khatijah Tan and her husband. Boleh Ambun cakap husband Khatijah tu abg Andre.hahaha.


Nak tgok gmbar???hihi

K time to go back. bye =)


sword said...

sangat begitu nyem meatball itu...hehe

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